Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekly 063

Now I'm always trying something new and here's my current experiment. These are the first two pages of what I'd like to see become a "chose what happens next" type of comic.
I want these two pages to be the point at which one chooses what will happen next. I'm going to be taking suggestions as well as having fun myself. I don't want any sort of epic plots but something that I can do in a page or two. If you have an idea, leave it as a comment below, unless you don't want everyone to see it, send me an email.
Editor's Note: Some one out there might recognize The ANT from my old mini comic days. I've brought him back to life with a little tweaking and hope that this turns out to be a good place for him.

Here's what I came up with based on several suggestions combined.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekly 061

This week is another lyrical based piece.
Weird Al was such an influence on me as a kid. I believe that he helped me grow this nice and sick sense of humor that I have now. Without his lyrics I might not have found so much fun in the gross. His original songs have sometimes been my favorites of his. Such as the song I used in this comic. The song is Good Old Days, it's from Even Worse, Weird Al's answer to Michael Jackson's Bad. I chose this song, because as a kid, I naively enjoyed the pseudo-happiness and thought it was funny. Now... I think it's disturbing and fucked up. Still hillarious though.


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