Saturday, June 21, 2008

Weekly 012

"Thank Youuu, Stimulus Check!!" (caption submitted by Jilf)

I'm baffled by this drawing. It's a screwed up image I know, so that might baffle some, but I want it to be funny. I just couldn't think of a caption that would really floor anyone or myself. It really lends a lot to the imagination and there's a lot of possibilities for a joke.

SO... I want to have a Caption Contest! If you can come up with a really funny caption or phrase that the character could be saying you'll WIN an original piece of art by me. Maybe a food/drink equivilant if you don't want to collect more crap.

SO... The ONLY WAY I'll 'officially' accept a submission for the contest is if you leave a COMMENT!! That way I can get some extra feedback from readers to help me decide who wins. Next week, when I post a new comic I'll announce the winner and they will then have to supply me with their contact information in order to recieve the artwork that they've won.

SO...Get to it! You have a week and you can enter as many times as you want. I'm not going to limit you to trying to be funny once.

UPDATE!! 6-27-08

The winner has been chosen, but feel free to keep adding your caption ideas. It's really fun to read everyone's interpitations.

This is sort of ridiculous. Thanks Flickr for not being so prudish.


Aeron said...

The Blue Gloob attempts to mate with a human who is VR simulating themselves urinating, resulting in confusion on both sides.

Crazy pic, Marc.

Anonymous said...

I hate Mondays.

Unknown said...

In the future, sex will be replaced by 'going weasel' - Miguel

Hey Jilf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey Jilf said...

my special purpose!!

Levi Jacob Bailey said...


Hey Jilf said...

Thank youuuuu, stimulus check!

Anonymous said...

The future of blind dates.

Crunk Posby said...

Fox News is my first source for all that's going on in the world!

Anonymous said...

The God Machine

Arthur Metcalf said...

"Just glad to be noticed."

Anonymous said...

In the future, all forms of discrimination will be eradicated, the profession of prostitution will be open to all.

Unknown said...

"You should see what I'm seeing!"
"Not so hard Pepe!"

Anonymous said...

What i did for a Klondike bar.

I still think i should win.

Anonymous said...

"...An', an', when Frylock's shrink ray wears off, the computer chip Meatwad has swallowed grows back to its giant size, making Meatwad, like, a giant square! Ha ha ha! An' then Carl steals Frylock's expando ray to make his, Carl's, dick bigger, and the dick turns, like, a hundred feet long, ha ha, only the ray has made Carl's crabs bigger! An' the giant crabs skitter-skitter-skitter all over the place! Ha ha ha ha ha! An' then I saw that episode of Robot Chicken where Lindsay Lohan is in Highlander, an' she..."

Anonymous said...

"I'm not lying, pal! I really do know Cathy Guisewite!"

Anonymous said...

(Singing) "And aieeeee...will always love yoo-oo-oo-oo..."

Anonymous said...

"I once jerked off to an S. Clay Wilson comic. I don't remember which one exactly, but it was the one with the blood and the sores and the chopped-off body parts."

Anonymous said...

Virtual reality 7-11: "That's one large Slurpee. I can supersize it for just a dollar more, sir....No? All right....La de da da de da....All right, one large Slurpee. That'll be three ninety-nine. Out of four? Here you go, one cent in change. Thanks, and have a good night, sir!...Christ, I need a cigarette. I'm going outside to smoke. Take over for me, will you, Abdul?...La de da de da...[inhales]...[exhales]...Mmm...cancerous goodness!...Well, hey, Shannon! Whassup?...Oh, not much with me, just on a cigarette break....Well, I don't know, I still have another hour...Oh, the hell with it....Abdul, I gotta go somewhere. Yeah, yeah, I suck. I'll fill in for you tomorrow....La de da da....Great van, huh, Shannon? I bought it off my brother, before he went back to Baghdad. Wanna see what's in the back?...Here, let me help you....Now, I'll show you what's in the back....Your lips on my dick! Yeah, I knew you weren't a vegetarian....Yeah, suck away, be-yotch....oh...ohhhh...ohhhhh...well, don't look so disappointed, that bums me out....Will a free six-pack of Red Bull shut you up?"

Swellzombie said...

Caption Contest Winner Announced!!
Jilf with "THANK YOUUU, STIMULUS CHECK!" Thanks Jilf.
Runner up: Liz Klien with "What I did for a Klondike Bar".
Thanks Liz.

Everyone else, thanks a bunch and I'm going to do this more often so keep an eye out. I'm also going to get some cool prizes for these sorts of things.

Levi Jacob Bailey said...

I smell a fix: Jilf and Liz must be girls you want to sleep with. Boo!


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